It is my belief that the readers of this blog are infinitely more intelligent and witty than the readers of most other blogs. They are better looking, per capita. Many posses super-human strength. On average they also have better singing voices. Yeah, you! And because you are all so smart, witty, incredibly good looking, and able to lift small vehicles while you belt out Hello Dolly, you have created some fabulous Mad-Libs. Below is the original. I think yours* is better. Go figure...Jenn Marsala is Steamed (Then Lightly Sautéed)
(1) Jenn Marsala is upset. I mean her
(2) panties are really in a twist. What follows is a list of her grievances against, well, everyone:
(3) Six calls from the same persistent telemarketer before 9:30 am. She answers the
(3) Sixth call. Yells, someone from
(4) St. Jude's Children's Hospital asking for a donation to save dying children.
(1) Jenn Marsala is an ass. She is also going straight to hell. Possibly in a hand basket.
-Another phone call, this time from the boss. He tells her, somewhat cheekily, that her paycheck for somewhere in the vicinity of
(5) $14 will be another 10 days late. Also can she work overtime on
(6) Memorial Day? He wears a
(7) very bad toupee, which she considers commenting on. Needs the
(6) $14 and bites her tongue.
-Bites her tongue. Really hard.
-Pours a nice big bowl of
(8) Cheerios. Out of the two containers of milk currently in the fridge, one is rancid. The other is completely empty.
(9) Toast it is.
-Soon discovers she is also out of
(10) toilet paper and
(11) toothpaste. Wishes she had
(5) $14.
-Decides a nap is in order. Suddenly, a neighbor develops a brief, albeit passionate, interest in
(12) heavy metal guitar.
-Defeated, she retreats to the innermost recesses of her mind. Creates Mad-Lib for blog. Achieves sense of satisfaction and superiority, due to the fact that she knows what a dangling participle is. Take that, world!
*To see how clever my day
could have been, you can view what everyone else came up with. Just open yesterday's comments window, place them next to today's blog, and laugh and laugh and laugh.