Friday, May 23, 2008

Let's Be Astro-Logical Here

I caught someone living a lie today. And then, just because I was having a really bad day, I made her admit that her life was a sham. After all, you can't just go around pretending to be an Aquarius when you are clearly a Capricorn. That's like saying that Astrology is not a universal absolute that rules our lives with an unrelenting iron fist. Luckily, I am a Libra and would never go in for such rule breaking shenanigins.


Blogger Sarah said...

I, too, just got a blog and have been reading the she walks around with it one, so I thought I'd look at yours to see what fellow new bloggers are doing.
Your blog makes me laugh :)

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scorpio needs a favor...

Being a Scorpio, it's hard for me to ask for anything. Really people should be anticipating my needs and meeting them just as they occur.

But we live in an imperfect world.

Hi, I told Brenda Partello I would absolutely check out your blog because she said, "Jen's writing reminds me of yours oh so very very much! You will totally appreciate this and will want to revisit often."

So I did and I do.

If you could tell Brenda that Kit (she'll know who I am) did visit your blog, thought you were great and that she may in fact have to off you, I'd be most appreciative.

Brenda's a Gemini so you may have to tell her twice.

Kit Webb

7:39 AM  
Blogger jenn marsala said...

Dear Kit,
I will, in fact, deliver the message. And because I find it entirely impossible to lie when someone has recently paid me a compliment, I will include the part about offing me. In the event that I do wind up dead, I would like to pass the Playing Chicken with Marsala torch on to you. I like the cut of your jib. Here is a potential name...
Surfing the Webb.

Please don't kill me,
Jenn Marsala

I'm in love with you. Let's be best friends.

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, I'm down with the best friends thing. I hope you mean it; I don't know how cheap those words come in LA, but in New England that's a verabal contract. So we are now best friends.

Can I borrow like $10-$15 bucks?

Also I don't know if you have any improv experience, but I've authorized Brenda and you to form the West Coast chapter of Too Many Monkeys (see This will not only be fun for all, but it will remove any reason for me to have you killed.

I already have a blog on Livejournal (my name is butisitiambic), but maybe I'll start one here - don't want to be continually lurking on yours...

OK, I've got a big pot of jumbalaya cooking downstairs and I've got an all day/night party to get ready for. Most of the prep is emotional.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend, glad I don't have to kill you...


8:33 AM  
Blogger jenn marsala said...

Hi Kit,

Okay, we are officially best friends. As far as any money lending is concerned, please refer back to the posting in which I mention that my paycheck for somewhere in the vicinty of $14 will be another ten days late. In the spirit of friendship, you can borrow my bra anytime you like.

Thanks for the invite to start up the West Coast spin-off of your improv group. I am, in fact, an improvist. I also like monkeys a great deal.

I would like very much to read your blog. However, I enjoy you lurking around mine and wouldn't want you to leave. Actually, now that we're so much closer you should visit everyday (sometimes twice) and also tell all of our soon-to-be mutual friends to visit.

If you would like to be a part of my posse, I am currently accepting applications.

Glad to be alive,

8:36 PM  
Blogger jenn marsala said...


Done and done.


11:08 AM  

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