Friday, June 27, 2008

Life in the Fast Lane

I started a fast today that, among other things, is designed to increase my mental acumen and memory skills. You see, lately I've been having trouble remembering things (Remember just the other day when I forgot which way the d and the b go? Well, I don't. But I read about it on my blog and it terrified me into action). So, I am fasting. In part, because getting fond childhood memories back has become somewhat of a priority for me. But mainly, because I used to know a really great story about a woman in a dick hat and several chimpanzees and now, sadly, I'm having trouble recalling the sordid details. And let's face it, if I lose this story, I'm nothing. Nothing!!!!!!

In other news, I am hungry. Would someone kindly send me a sandwich (sans mayo, of course. As luck would have it, food phobias are impossible to forget).


Blogger Umguy said...

Apparently you have also forgotten that eating ends a fast and that fasting causes hunger. There's a link between the two. Or so I hear.

6:13 PM  
Blogger still_figuring_out said...

err...what time do u break a fast?


hey jenn, where`s that "kidnapped by pirates" excuse blog ??

there`s a 90% chance i will need it next monday...can`t take 2 mondays in a row...

6:22 PM  
Blogger A Cranky Old Jew said...

You know who I hear has a great memory? Lindsay Lohan! Oh, but I tire of the social commemtary.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to eat this entire extra-large pizza all by myself since Jenn doesn't wanna share. It looks so good, I hope I can finish it.

Much love,

8:00 PM  
Blogger Thaozee said...

Fasting improves memory? I thought it just makes you face plant that much faster.. :)

7:55 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

Sending you a sandwich...what's your favorite kind?

7:02 AM  
Blogger jenn marsala said...

To date, 4.5 sandwiches have been delivered and I want to thank you all for your generosity and excellent taste. Unfortunately, I'm remaining unusually commited to this silly fast and won't be eating until July 6th. Until then you are all stuck with sub-par, hunger induced ramblings of a starved mind. Sorry...


1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I want to know is, who delivered 4.5 sandwiches to you, the cheap bastard, did he eat 1/2 a sandwich while making the delivery?

12:33 PM  

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