Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Have It Your Way

This morning I woke up and drew several charts. One was a pie chart. The other was that other kind...you know, the one with the squiggly lines that either go up or down...does that kind even have a name? In any case, the results were both startling and conclusive. And my findings are thus...blog readership drops way way (I mean really abysmally low) down on Saturday, with only a slight upswing on Sunday (and let's face it, the upswing might just be a statistical anomaly). And while I don't like it, I'm chalking it up to you all having lives that, every now and then, don't have to include me. So, I will continue to write diligently throughout the weekends, knowing that most of you won't check back in until Monday morning.

Which leads me to my point (finally). Let's make next Monday morning really spectacular! And in order to make sure that that happens, I'm going to let you pick Monday's topic. Here are your options:

1. It's the Family Feud! I surveyed 100 people. Top 5 answers on the board.

2. Grammar-am-a-ding-dong. Part grammar bee. Part quiz show. And a whole lotta fun!

3. Choose your own adventure. Don't like either of my ideas (no, no, that's okay. I'll be fine), make up your own topic for me to wax poetic on (note from Jenn Marsala: Please do not vote for this rogue blogger's topic. It will only lead to anarchy).

Sooooo what'll it be? Will we go head to head in a little friendly family competition? Will we all learn why on earth i comes before e? Or will a rogue blogger lead us down a path of destruction.
Vote now, and let it be on your head...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like someone's been editing...

"Rouge blogger" notwithstanding (by the way, do you know the definition for "notwithstanding", because it's always eluded me (much like "pragmatic" until recently)?), I have to go with option three.

(By the way, I challenge someone to tell me if the punctuation on that last sentence is wrong--no really, please tell me it's wrong, 'cause, come on, just look at it!)

This comment was meant to be relatively simple, but it's gone horribly awry, so in that spirit--and knowing that you love your game shows--I propose a Punctuation-A-Thon. I have no clue what that would entail, but you're the idea (wo)man, not me.

Besides, discussing the hotness of Jenn is just too great a topic for one day's post.

6:19 AM  
Blogger Umguy said...

I think you need some kind of insult contest where your loyal readers lay the verbal smackdown on each other and the winner gets a nice write up in your blog.

Or the Family Feud thing.

9:52 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

line graph. that's what theyre called, that's all i can say since monday has passed.

9:10 PM  

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