Mad Lib-eration
It has recently come to my attention that people love things that are interactive. According to this theory, if you do not love things that are interactive, you are hardly a person at all. At least not a person of any value to this particular blog on this particular day. Please visit again on Friday, when things will be excessively dull once again.
If, however, you do love things that are interactive (as my friend suspects you do), stick around and Mad Lib. Post your answers in the comments section today and return tomorrow to laugh and laugh and laugh. And please remember that a noun is a person, place, or thing. Knowledge of verbs, adverbs, or adjectives will be of no use to you at this time. And...go...
1. Girl's Name (First and Last, please):
2. Article of Clothing:
3. Unusually High Number:
4. Charitable Organization:
5. Unusually Low Number:
6. Holiday:
7. Ridiculous Article of Clothing:
8. Type of Cereal:
9. Food-Like Product:
10. Noun:
11. Noun:
12. Loud Activity:
If, however, you do love things that are interactive (as my friend suspects you do), stick around and Mad Lib. Post your answers in the comments section today and return tomorrow to laugh and laugh and laugh. And please remember that a noun is a person, place, or thing. Knowledge of verbs, adverbs, or adjectives will be of no use to you at this time. And...go...
1. Girl's Name (First and Last, please):
2. Article of Clothing:
3. Unusually High Number:
4. Charitable Organization:
5. Unusually Low Number:
6. Holiday:
7. Ridiculous Article of Clothing:
8. Type of Cereal:
9. Food-Like Product:
10. Noun:
11. Noun:
12. Loud Activity:
1. Girl's Name (First and Last, please): Charity
2. Article of Clothing: Boot
3. Unusually High Number: 5 million
4. Charitable Organization: UNICEF
5. Unusually Low Number: 0.000001
6. Holiday: Valentine's Day
7. Ridiculous Article of Clothing: Lederhosen
8. Type of Cereal: Count Chocula
9. Food-Like Product: Cheese Doodles
10. Noun: Barbara Streisand
11. Noun: Paris
12. Loud Activity: Jet Skiing
Oooops. First and LAST name: Charity Fertendorfer
1. Girl's Name (First and Last, please): Veronica Lake
2. Article of Clothing: Tank Top
3. Unusually High Number: 1 billion
4. Charitable Organization: Red Cross
5. Unusually Low Number: -0.000001
6. Holiday: Christmas
7. Ridiculous Article of Clothing: panty hose
8. Type of Cereal: Captain Crunch
9. Food-Like Product: Cookies
10. Noun: a bike
11. Noun: a train
12. Loud Activity: playing drums
1. Girl's Name (First and Last, please): Margorie Stuart Baxter
2. Article of Clothing: neckerchief
3. Unusually High Number: bajillion
4. Charitable Organization: Lance Aemstrong's ball cancer thing
5. Unusually Low Number: negative bajillion
6. Holiday: my birthday
7. Ridiculous Article of Clothing: scrunchie
8. Type of Cereal: bran
9. Food-Like Product: boogers
10. Noun: dog
11. Noun: cat
12. Loud Activity: italian dinners
1. Girl's Name (First and Last, please): Sally Fields
2. Article of Clothing: Socks
3. Unusually High Number: a bazillion
4. Charitable Organization: Amnesty International
5. Unusually Low Number: like, around 3
6. Holiday: Presidents Day
7. Ridiculous Article of Clothing: Doo-Rag
8. Type of Cereal: Gorilla Munch
9. Food-Like Product: Plastic Banana
10. Noun: Astroid
11. Noun: Wheelbarrow
12. Loud Activity: Snoring
1. Girl's Name (First and Last, please): I have no idea? Use someone else's!
2. Article of Clothing: tunic
3. Unusually High Number: 9378
4. Charitable Organization: Salvation Army
5. Unusually Low Number: -17
6. Holiday: Arbor Day
7. Ridiculous Article of Clothing: Culottes
8. Type of Cereal: Kashi
9. Food-Like Product: Easy Mac
10. Noun: liquid blush
11. Noun: Pepsi can
12. Loud Activity: singing
1. Girl's Name (First and Last, please): Queenie St. Clair
2. Article of Clothing: Bra
3. Unusually High Number: 7 gazillion
4. Charitable Organization: Jewish National Fund
5. Unusually Low Number: the square root of pi
6. Holiday: Christmas
7. Ridiculous Article of Clothing: Spats
8. Type of Cereal: Corn Pops!
9. Food-Like Product: Fritos' Brand Spicy Bean Dip (totally rocks!)
10. Noun: Vibrator
11. Noun: Pooper Scooper
12. Loud Activity: Using a Jack-Hammer
8:30 PM
1. Girl's Name (First and Last, please): Jenn Marsala
2. Article of Clothing: cod piece
3. Unusually High Number: infinity minus 1
4. Charitable Organization: Jerry's Kids
5. Unusually Low Number: negative infinity +1
6. Holiday: Arbor Day
7. Ridiculous Article of Clothing: cod piece adornment
8. Type of Cereal: (I was going to say Count Chocula, but someone beat me too it) Frankenberries
9. Food-Like Product: Vegimite
10. Noun: Spastic Colon
11. Noun: butterfly
12. Loud Activity: a drunken 4am, 80's dance party in my living room
1. Amanda Hugenkiss
2. Jockey strap
3. 3,896,456
4. Christian Children's Fund
5. 1/999
6. Canada Day
7. Speedo
8. Clusters
9. Fruit Cake
10. Banana Pudding
11. Bay of Biscay
12. Talking with Grandma
1. Jennifer Marsala
2. tie
3. one less than infinity
4. Eshav Books
5. .00000000000001
6. Sukkot
7. knickers
8. low-carb Special K
9. Tofu
10. Milwaukee
11. doorknob
12. banging pots and pans together
1. Girl's Name (First and Last, please): Lucricia Borgia
2. Article of Clothing: Safety Goggles
3. Unusually High Number: All of them
4. Charitable Organization: PLO
5. Unusually Low Number: Absolute Zero
6. Holiday: Arbor Day
7. Ridiculous Article of Clothing: Tie
8. Type of Cereal: BooBerry
9. Food-Like Product: Cheese-food
10. Noun: knob
11. Noun: tenticle
12. Loud Activity: underground nuclear testing
1. Girl's Name (First and Last, please)Krystal Almond
2. Article of Clothing: socks
3. Unusually High Number:1 million
4. Charitable Organization:Good Will
5. Unusually Low Number: -1
6. Holiday: cinco de Mayo
7. Ridiculous Article of Clothing: granny panties
8. Type of Cereal: Lucky charms
9. Food-Like Product: cheese whiz
10. Noun: Godzilla
11. Noun: Barbie
12. Loud Activity:sex
1. Hedie Lamar
2. G-String Panties
3. 20000000
4. EshavBooks
5. -000001
6. Passover
7. Knickers
8. Grape-Nuts
9. Processed Cheese
10. Telephone
11. Chair
12. Sonic Boom
1. Girl's Name (First and Last, please): Buffy Almond
2. Article of Clothing: thong
3. Unusually High Number: 24,681,012,141,618
4. Charitable Organization: The Dawnya Gallant wine fund
5. Unusually Low Number: Huh? 1
6. Holiday: Halloween
7. Ridiculous Article of Clothing: pants
8. Type of Cereal: Froot Loops
9. Food-Like Product: Play-Doh
10. Noun: flute
11. Noun: burrito
12. Loud Activity: tapdancing
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