Making Mountains Out of Molehills
The thing that is really irking me, however, is this...Someone asked me what my most embarrassing moment was. And I had nothing. No unexpected wardrobe malfunctions. No mortifying moments involving vomit, a midget, and the Thanksgiving Day parade. You see, I've embarrassed myself loads of times, but never in the colossally red-cheeked, tail-between-my-legs fashion that would be the stuff of legend. What I do have, is a litany of mildly amusing awkward moments that, individually, always fail to impart the sheer awesomeness of the collective embarrassement I've experienced over the years. And because I love telling a good story so much, this really chaps my hide.
It also leaves me with only one logical solution. I must lie. I must concoct a moment so embarrassing, so rich with comic fodder, that telling the story will fill me with immense pride. Therefore, I am enlisting your help. Perhaps you've got a story that I can steal, or maybe we'll all just make one up together. Whatever the method, I want to make damn sure that the next time someone asks me, "What's your most embarrassing moment?" I'm ready to spin a fantastical web of deliciously satisfying lies...