Is it Hot in Here? Or Are My Pants on Fire?
It has been pointed out to me that after much anticipation and a shrewdly executed PR blitz to announce my triumphant return to the blogosphere, I conveniently stopped blogging after just one posting and took several months off. I'm sure I had my reasons (holidays, travels, laziness), though none of these can really gloss over the fundamental fact that apparently I am, indeed, a liar liar.
And though it seems I just can't get the hang of consistent writing, I've decided to give it another go. This time, though, instead of letting travel be the reason I don't blog, I thought I might try having travel be the reason I DO blog. I'll be spending the next few weeks wandering around London - taking tours, drinking pints, and minding the gap. Maybe I'll write about that. Or, let's face it, maybe I'll intend to write about that but really just end up writing about nothing and apologizing for it later. Only time will tell...